Thursday, January 8, 2009

Being Positive Can Make You Happy

Did you know 99.9% of people that are happy on a regular basis are very positive people? Also, did you know that 99.9% of unhappy people have very negative personalities? It's true, having positive personality traits can make chemicals in the brain that make you happier.Endorphins in the brain react to each positive gesture and turn it into a happy feeling. Yes, your brain knows the difference between positive and negative. It also knows that positive energy needs happy feelings and negative energy needs angry feelings. They go hand and hand. Just like endorphins in the brain make a drug addict happier when they get their fix. It is the same endorphins that react to your positive attitude and give you a natural high. Happy is an emotion that your brain gets addicted to if you are positive all the time. The more you brain gets endorphins to make it happy, the more it will need that feeling. Therefor giving you happy personality traits.

When was the last time you saw a sport star that got happy when he was beat on the field by another player? Probably never.... When he got outdone on the field, you may notice them become angry about it. He may feel like he isn't as good as the other player and that is a negative thought. Now he has talked his brain into believing he isn't as good. This can all happen in a split second subliminal thought. Right away, the endorphins in his brain from being negative made him angry or upset. The player that beat him probably got a happy feeling or started smiling about it. Not because he made a good play, but because his brain received positive endorphins that made him happy. Those positive endorphins will guide him to believe he is better than that other player now. He may not get those endorphins through the rest of his sports career. But like a drug, he will get high off of positive energy long enough to finish the game. Most players have great games when these endorphins kick into the brain. Positive energy is a very powerful weapon.

Being positive as much as you can will actually expand your happy personality traits. Your brain will get addicted to the feeling of happiness because it is always being sent positive endorphins that cause you to be happy. The more positive chemicals that are sent to the brain, the more endorphins are being reached, and the more your brain needs to feel that way. Your brain is capable of being more addicted to happiness than heroin. Natural endorphins can over power any drug. Your brain is a very powerful tool.

That's why if you are negative all the time, your brain will receive endorphins that will make you unhappy or grouchy all the time. You brain gets addicted to whatever endorphins are sent to it on a regular basis. That's why people that are angry and grouchy seem to be like that all the time. They have actually caused their brain to be addicted to feeling grouchy and angry all the time.

There have been studies that show your brain only needs what you give it. If you are always feeding your brain positive thoughts, it will reward you with the feeling of happiness. Your brain will never crave endorphins from negative thoughts if you don't show it how it feels to be negative. If your brain doesn't crave negativity, you are less likely to feel unhappy in situations you should be happy about.

Ever notice how negative or crabby people don't get happy, even when they should be? They are not trying to play it cool. Their brain is just used to being that way. They could win the lottery and seem like they don't get happy. If they do react in happiness, they won't get as happy about winning the lottery if their brain received that positive feeling a little more. It is normal to feel emotions. But when your brain gets an overload of one emotion it can be dangerous. Negative energy can throw all your other emotions off track. Your brain will actually get confused if it is not used to a certain emotion. Just like when people go into shock when they receive terrible news. Their brain wasn't used to it. Their brain got confused because it wasn't used to receiving the endorphins that created that feeling.

Negative personalities are catchy too. Be careful who you hang out with or listen too. It takes 100 positives to overcome one negative thought. So if you listen to a person full of negativity all day, they could bring you to a feeling of negativity until you get back into your groove. Angry people stay angry for a reason. The negativity has got a hold of them and now their brain is addicted to the feeling of negativity and grouchiness.

You know the story the little engine that could. Everyone had a negative energy about getting up the hill. Except the little engine that could. He told him self over and over that he could do it. I think I can, I think I can. Then when he got over the hill he said I thought I could, I thought I could. He actually told his brain he was capable of it and believed he could do it. When he made it up the hill, he rewarded his brain with the positive thought of, I thought I could. His brain got 2 totally different kinds of positive reinforcement endorphins. One set to tell him he was capable of it and another set to congratulate himself upon completing the task. Now his brain will more likely be positive toward the next impossible looking task.

It goes to show you that you can do anything you believe in. Lots of ancient civilizations strived to have mind over body. From martial arts to capitalism. Everyone that was successful though time did it because they believed they could do it. Bill Gates didn't create Microsoft overnight, but he believed himself the whole time in creation. That made it a reachable and achievable task. Positive energy and constant positive endorphins to Bill's brain got him where he is today. Bill taught himself to be very positive no matter what. If you ever met Bill Gates, you'll notice he is a very happy person.

Everyone will be affected by negative energy and be angry or crabby from time to time. That's a very natural human emotion. But it is not normal to be negative with every thought. Teach yourself to overcome obstacles with positive thought. You can make a huge difference in the outcome of your life. Every negative emotion needs to be over come by many positive ones. If you lose your job, your thoughts should not be, what do I do now? They should be, that's okay, I can find another job as easy as I got this one.

Close your eyes, see it, and believe you can. Those are the three keys to being positive on a daily basis. Before you make each decision through the day, take a step back, to see and believe in it. Give your brain the endorphins it needs to accomplish tasks easier. Positive thoughts create happy ones. Positive thoughts create a happy future. A happy future is a successful one. Give it a try.

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